Part of our extensive activities in research and education takes place within the framework of our Institute for Advanced Education, which deals with research and academic publications, position papers and platforms for discussion, educational models and study programs. In conjunction with Hakibbutz Hameuchad Press, we publish several journals dealing with educational, social and cultural issues relevant to both Israeli and global society. Among these is the peer-reviewed scientific journal entitles Gilui Daat (Manifesto).

The Institute consists of units for research, training and development that promote highly important issues on the educational agenda such as:

The UNESCO Chair for Humanistic Education – working with the Israeli UNESCO Committee and global UNESCO, the unit promotes humanistic education in Israel and elsewhere.

The Unit for Academic and Education Conferences – dedicated to convening national and international conferences as a significant contribution to education discourse at both the public and the strictly professional level. One such conference is the annual Tel Aviv Conference on Advanced Education. This conference, which is always very well-attended, is a joint venture of Kibbutzim College and the Tel Aviv Municipality.

The Unit for International Academic Collaboration – dedicated to the initiation of academic collaboration with universities and colleges overseas to promote a global, multidisciplinary approach to educational knowledge.