“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires”
William Arthur Ward
The Faculty of Education of the Kibbutzim College of Education promotes an academic and pedagogic discourse founded on the three main components of the educational act: teaching, learning and assessing – with a focus on each on its own, as well as on the interrelations and reciprocal influences between them.
The faculty challenges itself by addressing each of the components of the educational act in order to, update them to the 21st century needs and implements them as part of the college’s humanistic and lifelong learner educational visions. The faculty cherishes human dignity and interpersonal and intercultural diversity, holistic nurturing of the personality in general, and the personal and professional identity of educators in particular through productive and fair engagement with the community, society and culture.
Based on recognition of the importance of interpersonal relationships in determining the nature of the educational practice, the faculty focuses on fostering empathy as a way to nurture meaningful relationships that will become the basis for personal growth, mutual support and social harmony – in kindergartens, schools and society alike. In addition, the skills of reading and written expression are emphasized as the basis for a literate life, in the acquisition of education and the as the key to the students’ academic success in the present and professional success as educators in the future.
The Faculty of Education includes:
- Combined undergraduate and teaching certification studies in a B.Ed. degree in Early Childhood; Elementary School; Special Education and Social-Corporate Entrepreneurship Management
- M.Ed. fields of study include: Educational Technology; Education Management; Educational Assessment; and M.Teach – Master of Teaching
Principals’ Training Program: ‘Avnei Rosha’ - Retraining of academics for teaching
- B.Ed. completion for practicing teachers
- The Faculty of Education also includes the MAHUT Center for Empowerment and Insight, aimed at assisting students with learning disabilities in their learning and training processes, and the Center for Empathy in Education and Society, which operates a simulation unit.
The variety of programs offered by the faculty provides students with cutting-edge and challenging learning experiences from an educational and academic perspective, while at the same time, connecting them to the authentic needs of the education system and the community in order to develop into excellent and inspiring teachers.
The faculty’s highly skilled lecturers provide theoretical and practical instruction of the highest quality, as they mentor the students’ learning processes and the development of their professional identity throughout their years of training.