Faculty of Education
Faculty of Sciences
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts
International Unit
International Unit
In a globalized world, education cannot remain at a local level. Educators are the creators of change that nurture the future generations, therefore they should maintain ties with a wide range of educators from diverse cultures, and develop complex educational and social insights In recent years, the Kibbutzim College of Education has initiated different international collaborations in teaching and research. These collaborations take place within the framework of the international unit.
- To enrich the existing curricula and develop new programs
- To promote educational research and the theoretical conceptualization of educational processes
- To promote the professional development of faculty members
- To enrich the academic experience of our lecturers and students
- To build an infrastructure for multicultural engagement
- To cultivate social competencies, including engagement in a critical educational discourse based on familiarity with diverse educational models.
- Karlsruhe University, German
- Kassel University, Germany
- ArtEZ Academy of Art & Design, Holland
- Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie, Poland
- Katholische Stiftungshochschule München, Germany
- Teachers College, Columbia University, U.S.A.
- Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
- Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
- Szenen – Institut für Psychodrama, Bulgaria
- VIAA University College, Holland
- Filmakademie Baden Wurttemberg GMBH, Germany
- University of Education Ludwigsburg, Germany
For Key Data regarding International Mobility at our Institution click here:
English Department – The English Department at Kibbutzim College has been in involved in a collaboration with Karlsruhe University in Germany since 2015, in the context of which,
pre-service English teachers in both countries participate in a semester of online collaborative learning. The main goal of the course is to provide the pre-service teachers with experiential, intercultural, collaborative learning, and to raise their self-efficacy to integrate such collaborations into their prospective teaching.
Department of Technology in Education – The Department of Technology in Education has been involved in a collaboration with Kassel University in Germany since 2013, in the context of which a joint online course is held in English, aimed at promoting experiential learning and integrating research efforts.
Dance School – The Dance School of the Kibbutzim Collage has been involved in a collaboration with ArtEZ Academy of Art & Design in Arnhem, Netherlands since 2009, which is based on an exchange of outstanding students. The students come to the hosting institution for one semester (three months), at which time they participate in practical classes and artistic productions of the department, and also work with local choreographers and participate in a series of stage performances.
Department of History – this department has conducted a number of international collaborations. For example: – “Women without Borders”: the course was conducted in academic cooperation with Karlsruhe University of Education, Germany, and during the course, both supervisors lectured via video conference to the classes in the two countries simultaneously. The students worked in mixed groups on a research paper and an oral presentation, which they presented in the final session of the course, live to both classes. – “Oral History and the Education System: Tools for Teaching and Research,”: the course was conducted in academic cooperation with University of Extremadura, Spain. The students were divided into Israeli-Spanish teams, which interviewed men and women in Israel and Spain about their memories of the education system in the 1970s. During the course, three joint classes were conducted using Skype, and the students prepared joint
interactive presentations.
Excellence in Teaching: The program incorporates a partnership with the Catholic University in Munich (Katholische Stiftungshochschule München) (KSH) since 2015. In this framework, the students meet in a joint course “Personal Memory and Shared Memory” and discuss burning issues in global society with specific reference to the Israeli and German experience, amongst other topics: the Covid pandemic, racism, immigration, etc. In addition, the students meet face to face in Israel and Germany and participate in a joint conference in Germany.
Psychodrama: The program operates jointly with the Szenen Institute in Bulgary, in which students receive training on psychodrama for children. The purpose of the training is to get to know the theoretical basis and the principles of the psychodramatic approach towards work with children, as well as to demonstrate and experiment with tools for work while focusing on the first stages of the therapeutic process.
M.TEACH: This program involves cooperation with the University of Karlsruhe, in Germany, in a joint course aimed at getting to know the various aspects related to the differences between learners and the educational challenges that the teacher needs to respond to the expressions of the differences in a heterogeneous class. During the course, students from both institutions hold synchronous and asynchronous learning sessions in which they deal with the issue of integrating students with disabilities into the regular education system from an international perspective.
Communication and Film: The Department of Film and Communication in our Faculty of Arts is proud to have an ongoing collaboration with one of the leading schools in Europe: Filmakademie Baden Wurttemberg GMBH, (Germany). At the center of this ongoing cooperation is an exchange program where every year, two third year students leave for a semester of studies in Germany and German students come to Tel Aviv.
In addition, once a year, we hold a desert cinema workshop, one of the most unique cinema workshops in the world, in which some eight students from Israel and eight students from Germany take part. This workshop is led by the Faculty Dean, filmmaker Prof. Avner Feingulernt. The students go to an experimental film workshop on Mount Karkom in the Israeli desert. The students then edit the materials from the workshop together at the state-of-the-art German school facilities – about a month later.
Proteach (Promoting Teachers’ Success in their Induction Period) – The Proteach project, approved in October 2016 in the context of the Erasmus+ program. The project is managed in cooperation with the MOFET institute. The aim of the project is to build support mechanisms for the optimal integration of new teachers in schools. Five Israeli and four European institutions of higher learning are involved in the project.
Promentors – The main goal of PROMENTORS is to improve the quality of teacher training in Israel through an efficient and sustainable mentoring system based on best EU practices with their mentees. It is an Erasmus+ three years project that aims to expand the successful MIT models (Multiplayer Induction Team) that was developed in the now concluded PROTEACH ERASMUS+ project. The MIT models will serve as a basis for a new model of training for mentors that is carried out by teacher-training academic colleges in Israel. In the new models there will be training courses for in-service teachers and courses on different levels (B.Ed. and M.Ed.) that will run pilot programs that enlarge the scope of the MITs in schools. PROMENTORS facilitates the collaboration of mentors, new teachers, pedagogical guides, and the school staff, in the process of professional development of mentors. To reach these goals the program reviews and examines existing European models to learn from their best practices and enrich the models that will be developed in Israel.
IFI (Innovative Finance Inclusion) – Innovative Finance Inclusion in Academia and Field has been selected for EU co-funding by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) as an Erasmus+ program for capacity building in higher education The project aims to systematically align the Israeli higher education system with global changes and develop new capacities for inclusive social finance on three levels: (a) Eco-system & Infrastructure, (b) Academy-Industry Cooperation, (c) Research, Teaching & Training. IFI project aspires to support the refreshing (however, still rare) academic research on sustainable finance with teaching, education, and entrepreneurship actions. It is accomplished through training sessions, education programs, designed innovative sustainable finance investments fund, and mostly through mapping the field in Israel and Europe, to identify relevant stakeholders, change agents and community of practice in the Sustainable Finance (SF) field. IFI brings an interdisciplinary approach, stressing shifting focus is needed not only in finance but also in economics, law, technology, design and education.
Gathering European and Israeli experts, the project acts as a platform to foster integrated community and cultivating evidence-based standards and practices, building a scope of knowledge and case studies, training investors, regulators and innovators, letting students practice ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) investments, and encourage innovation. All practices are key components of a thriving sustainable finance ecosystem and HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) capacity building. IFI is the first national consortium created explicitly to provide infrastructure, knowledge and innovation to further develop the sustainable and inclusive finance ecosystem in HEIs and field.
Life Long Learning in Applied Fields (LLAF) was approved as part of the Tempus VI program starting in December 2014 for three years. The goal of the project is to promote lifelong learning among professionals in the medical, media and teacher-training professions, which require continuing and ongoing education to keep up with all the latest developments. This project, led by Hadassah College, involves the participation of six Israeli and eight European institutions of higher education.